Margao Sunrise, Goa
Club Information
  • Club ID: 87642
  • District ID: 3170
  • Meeting day and time: Thursday - 06:30PM
  • Address: BPS Sports Club , Pajifond Margao Goa gogol margaoGoaIndia
Mrs Sheetal Kumar
Dr. Akshata Kotharkar
Margao Sunrise, Goa
Donation of books Home Club: Margao Sunrise, Goa
Rtn Marushka and Rtn Louise collected books for class 3 to 7. around 200-225 books were collected and handedover to Fr.Ritesh, the Principal of Loyyol...
Margao Sunrise, Goa
Seminar on Bad effects of vaping/Ecigere... Home Club: Margao Sunrise, Goa
Rtn Dr Akshata Kotharkar beinng the resource person gave an interactive seminar to school children.
Margao Sunrise, Goa
Tree plantation with the readers circle Home Club: Margao Sunrise, Goa
Rtn. Aruna and Rtn. Fernanda conducted tree plantation kids.
Margao Sunrise, Goa
Seed Bombing Home Club: Margao Sunrise, Goa
Rtn.Aruna conducted a workshop on seed bomb with class 7 at Vidya vikas academy school as part of van mahatsav along with Rtn Louise and Rtn Beverly.
Margao Sunrise, Goa
Blood donation camp Home Club: Margao Sunrise, Goa
blood donation camp on the occasion of world health day
Margao Sunrise, Goa
Honouring Doctors & CAs Home Club: Margao Sunrise, Goa
the Rotarians thanked the Doctors and CAs for their contirbutions to the society on World Doctors Day and World CA day respectively.