Hubli South Karnataka
Club Information
  • Club ID: 27329
  • District ID: 3170
  • Meeting day and time: Monday - 07:30PM
  • Address: Hotel Krishna Bhavan, Lemington Road Hubli 580020 HubliKarnatakaIndia
Dr Jugal Jamnadas Patel
Mahaveer Oswal
Hubli South Karnataka
Note Book Distribution Home Club: Hubli South Karnataka
60 Note Books were distributed along with 700 sweets to Children from Jiveshwar English Medium School & Jai Bharat School on the occasion of Independe...
Hubli South Karnataka
Seed Ball Distribution Home Club: Hubli South Karnataka
30 Members with Anns & Annets visited Budanagudda for a Nature Walk & distributed 600 seeds along the scenic route. We had delicious breakfast at the ...
Hubli South Karnataka
Note Book Donation Home Club: Hubli South Karnataka
300 note books were donated to poor students selected from our 7 interact schools namely 1) GAUTAM HIGH SCHOOL 2) JEEVESHWARA HIGH SCHOOL 3) J...
Hubli South Karnataka
Bi-cycle donation Home Club: Hubli South Karnataka
A Bi-cycle was donated by Rtn Vikram Jain to needy girl for her easy commute to the school
Hubli South Karnataka
Sponsoring School Fees Home Club: Hubli South Karnataka
6 Girls were supported by our Rotarians by sponsoring their school / college fees
Hubli South Karnataka
Seed Ball Distribution Home Club: Hubli South Karnataka
1000 Seed balls were distributed to the members who attended the installation ceremony along with compost
Hubli South Karnataka
Blood donation Home Club: Hubli South Karnataka
started program at 9.00 am breakfast was arranged total 11 rotarian participated . 8 rtn donated blood for same the project was in association with IM...