Hubli Vidyanagar Karnataka
Club Information
  • Club ID: 28290
  • District ID: 3170
  • Meeting day and time: Friday - 08:00PM
  • Address: Hubli Gymkhana Opp railway Golf grounds Hubli 580029HubliKarnatakaIndia
Govind V Magajikondi
Mrs Meenal Shah
Hubli Vidyanagar Karnataka
Health check up camp Home Club: Hubli Vidyanagar Karnataka
A free health check up camp was organised at Moon Maternity where the community was screened for health issues like bone density, blood pressure, hemo...
Hubli Vidyanagar Karnataka
National Handloom day Home Club: Hubli Vidyanagar Karnataka
In todays world, where machine made clothes are faster in production and speed, the traditional method of making the clothes still exists. 7th Aug is ...
Hubli Vidyanagar Karnataka
Breastfeeding Week Celebration Home Club: Hubli Vidyanagar Karnataka
Breastfeeding Week Celebration done at Anganwadi Kendra, maruti nagar, under Urban PHC Heggeri. 75 beneficiaries were given protein supplements. 60 An...
Hubli Vidyanagar Karnataka
Food for the needy at Rupee 1 Home Club: Hubli Vidyanagar Karnataka
Roti Ghar is a place which provides food for the needy at just ₹1. The amount charged is just for the purpose that the beneficiary does not feel offen...
Hubli Vidyanagar Karnataka
bird feeding Home Club: Hubli Vidyanagar Karnataka
RCH Vidyanagar had an activity of bird feeding (Jeevdaya) today on Sunday at 11:30 a.m. @ Pratham Shetty oni Opp Kanchagaar Galli Jain Temple. Rtn...
Hubli Vidyanagar Karnataka
Tree plantation Home Club: Hubli Vidyanagar Karnataka
The tree plantation project was carried forward by the Rotary club of Hubli Vidyanagar today, in the presence of club members and society members. Thi...